Exercises reported speech pdf bachillerato acelerado

He said i dont like football in reported speech, however, we tell what someone said without repeating his exact words. He sells most of them the lorry crashed into a house. Introduction there are two ways of relating what a person has said. If you need help, you can click on the hint button to get a free letter. A great place to meet other young people while you travel clean and comfortable rooms for up to 20 people. Click here to read the explanations about reported speech reported statements. Reported speech 1 statements grammar intermediate to upper. Tutorial and exercises english esl worksheets for distance learning and physical classrooms exercise reported speech. Reported speech worksheet free esl printable worksheets made by teachers this is a boardgame which does not only practise reported speech, but it also encourages students to talk about. In indirect speech we give the exact meaning of a remark or a speech, without. Reported speech he said, i found a penguin in the park. Reported speech exercise direct reported is seeing was seeing sees saw saw sawhad seen has seen had seen will see would see is going to see was going to see can see could see direct reported here there this that these those now then today that day. Heres a list of all the reported speech exercises on this site. You can follow any responses to this entry through the rss 2.

Multiple choice, fill in the word, select from drop down. Quoted and reported speech san jose state university. Reported speech worksheets, pdf exercises, handouts to print. Listen to the dialogue again and rewrite the following questions into reported speech. Reported speech selfstudy exercises bachillerato 1 7 use the diary page below to rewrite dianas conversation with her boyfriend, martin. Free on line grammar exercises, including how to use the will and going to future tenses. The students read the examples and rephrase the sentences given. I cant understand why billiards has been prohibited. Present simple reported statement exercise quite easy in pdf here present continuous reported statement exercise quite easy in pdf here. Reported speech summary reported commands and requests in english. Reported speech y miscellanea y verbos vocabulario cotidiano 1.

I wouldnt stay in a hotel that refused to accept children. Eslprintable worksheet of the day on august 2015 by habach. Annie said that they were decorating their flat the following day. She assured us that her parents were getting married the following friday. Present simple reported statement exercise quite easy in pdf here. Reported statements mixed exercise change this direct speech into reported speech. Reported speech change from present simple questions level intermediate answer key 1.

Sign up for our mailing list to get more free stories and exercises in english. The news said that there had been a big earthquake in japan. Reported speech 1 put these statements into reported. The teacher wanted to know who had discovered america. Reported speech click the answer button to see the correct answer. This document includes the answers to the grammar and vocabulary activities from the book over to you 1, by oxford university press. Dont bathe when the red flag is flying the lifeguard said to us. Reported speech grammar bachillerato 1 direct speech. This is a worksheet for teaching or revising reported speech. Practice online or download in pdf these easy, beginners, advanced level reported speech exercises. They asked me if i had seen tom at the cinema the night before the previous night. She told me that they went had gone out last night the night before. Reported speech exercises pdf download for all class students and the students of all levels. Tuesday i had an argument with martin about a film last night and now we arent speaking to each other.

In direct speech we repeat exactly what someone said. Reported speech change the following sentences into reported or direct speech. She told me that she had been waiting for the bus when he arrived. Reported speech exercise 1 perfect english grammar.

Recommended for intermediate students who are asked to complete the sentences with one of the reporting verbs given in the correct form and change the sentences from the direct. Reported speech exercises change the following sentences into reported speech. Grammar explanations reported speech, indirect speech. This entry was posted on wednesday, september 23rd, 2015 at 9. In 2 they have 15 reported sentences to change into direct speech.

Fernandez carmona, english grammar with exercises, longman, 2000. He had never spoken in public before he grows flowers in his garden. Review reported statements here download this quiz in pdf here more reported. In direct speech we repeat the original speakers exact words. In exercise 1 the students have to rewrite 16 direct sentences into reported speech.

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